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AMAX4 Simulation

Applying the AMAX4 algorithm in a real-time simulation of treating hypoxic anaphylaxis and asthma.


AMAX4 Simulation and Interview with Max's parents

Just a routine resuscitation

Below is a simulation of what is best practice to manage somebody who presents with hypoxic asthma or anaphylaxis arrest. Anaphylaxis is the quintessential emergency medicine problem where all ABC – airway, breathing and circulation – might simultaneously be compromised. It is time critical to avoid hypoxic brain injury and manage each of those simultaneously. The actors are fellow emergency medicine specialists and trainees.


Every emergency department should have programs where brief in situ practice of time critical team based procedures are practiced - especially if the case mix of high acuity patients is low in a particular department.


Every ambulance service should have mechanisms in place to manage hypoxic asthma arrests and respond to potential rapid deterioration of acute asthma/ anaphylaxis.


Just a routine resuscitation 

Duration: 23 mins

This video was produced by Tamara and Ben McKenzie with a dedicated team of real critical care clinicians (consultants and registrars) to demonstrate, in real-time, the implementation of the AMAX4 algorithm in treatment of hypoxic anaphylaxis and asthma.

Further Information

If you need further information regarding the AMAX4 Simulation or more information about the AMAX4 algorithm, please complete the form and send us your enquiry.

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Other Videos

Our videos are aimed at informing and teaching best-practice techniques for critical care clinicians in Anaphylaxis and Asthma resuscitation. 

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