Max's Story
Photo: Max McKenzie
Max McKenzie
Max was an incredible kid - he had this extraordinary ability to connect with people and engage young people and adults alike. He could literally talk to anyone.
The local butcher was asked to supply sausages for the Live to the Max day this year to raise allergy awareness amongst young people. When he heard it was for Max, he said "I know Max, he was great, I need to give you a discount". Of course Max knew the butcher.
When we are ready to tell everyone more about Max, we will post his story here. You can see the time line and events of some of what happened to him in the last section of the lecture (section 6).
But the most pressing priority is to make sure clinicians can recognise asthma as a risk factor for death in anaphylaxis, that they understand it can get worse in minutes, how to escalate therapy before arrest, and to make sure they can comfortably navigate an AMAX4 algorithm in the worst case scenario.

a minute
Duration: 1 min